Paul's Teaching on (hair) Covering, in the New Covenant, 1Corinthians


Question: What did Paul mean when he said “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that if a man have long hair it is a shame unto him"!?


1Corinthians 11:14, KJV: Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?

The whole of the context, and purpose of the comments by Paul need to be understood!

This needs to be understood in the context of the Jewish teaching and tradition of head covering by men and women in prayer, and the changes that were taking place after the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus!

It also needs to be remembered that Paul was especially chosen by God/ Jesus to work among the Jews to explain to them these changes, and why they were taking place!

At the time of 1Corinthians, the dating was Approx. AD57; and the Jews were still “first priority” in the order of God’s concern; that did not change until AD62/63 when Paul, under the influence of the Holy Spirit in Acts 28:25–28, enacted the prophecy of Isaiah 6:9–10, which put the Jewish Nation into the condition of “Lo-Ammi” (not My people), which is still presently the case, and will remain so until the events of Zech. 12:10.  What this means is that the priority of God/Jesus is towards the Gentiles of the world, which as said above will remain in place until the “number of the Gentiles is completed” Romans 11:25–27!

Returning to the question of “hair” in the context of Paul’s comments; he very clearly explains each case from v.2 to v.17 in 1Cor.11.

There are a multitude of examples in the Old and the New testament, which sometimes show meaning on the Question of ‘head covering’, but also in many cases seem to conflict, and for the “early Church” meant that teaching varied, and the traditions for men's’ and women's’ head cover are still very varied throughout the world of Christendom!

The two main references in the Old Testament are Lev.10:6–7, and 13:45, both of which give the clue as to “Covering” by the Holy Spirit of God in each case; and comply with the “Covering” of Moses by God’s Hand on Mount Sinai, without which would have resulted in death for the participants!

In the case of the Jews in the current world, they have continued in the Old Testament Rabbinic teaching, and when the men pray they cover their heads with a “Prayer Shawl”; and have totally ignored the fact that when Our Lord stated on the Calvary cross, “It is finished”; the “vail of the Temple was rent from top to bottom”, Matt. 27:51!  They even tried to repair the vail; refusing to see its’ significance!

That event, which is recorded in Jewish history, was meant to indicate to all people (but to the Jew first) that God was approachable direct, through Jesus Christ’s Sacrificial death (when accepted!); and that the clothing and head cover was not important to having contact with Almighty God; and receiving His Gift of Eternal Salvation in Jesus!

So; returning to Paul’s comments in 1Cor.11, they had relevance for pre – Acts 28:28 Church/Synagogue Meetings, but because of Israel’s rejection of God’s Gift, does not apply to them (currently) until they are in the New Covenant of Christ after Zech. 12:10.  As regards Gentiles, they can approach God/Christ Jesus without fear, in sincerity, since AD63, up to the present time and until Zech. 12:10’s re-adoption of the Jews.  After that moment in time, Jesus will be resident in Jerusalem, and according to the Bible, all His Body will be “ever with Him” (1Thess. 4:17)!

After AD63 any Jew that accepts Christ Jesus as Saviour, is accepted in the Body.


PAUL and Acts 28!  (Comment)

Paul and Israel!  (Comment)

Paul and the Corinthians  (Comment)

Paul's Changing Mission!  (Study)

Paul Pre-Acts 28:28  (Comment)

Paul; the Chosen of God/Jesus  (Comment)

Paul's "thorn in the flesh"  (Study)

Israel's Future!   (Study)


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